Various utility functions.
static Version :string
A string corresponding to the version. Component uses semantic versioning (see
function is_compatible(requiredVersionStr) { let requiredVersion = requiredVersionStr.split('.'); let currentVersion = utils.Version.split('.'); // e.g. 0.1.0-alpha.2 if (currentVersion.length > 3) { currentVersion.length = 3; // We need only numbers } for(let i = 0; i< currentVersion.length; ++i) { if (currentVersion[i] != requiredVersion[i]) { return currentVersion[i] > requiredVersion[i]; } } return true; } let requiredVersionStr = '1.0.0'; if (!is_compatible(requiredVersionStr)) { fb.ShowPopupMessage(`This script requires v${requiredVersionStr}. Current component version is v${utils.Version}.`); }
static CheckComponent(name, is_dllopt) → {boolean}
Checks the availability of foobar2000 component.
Name Type Attributes Default Description name
string is_dll
boolean <optional>
true If true, method checks filename as well as the internal name. Returns:
console.log(utils.CheckComponent("foo_playcount", true));
static CheckFont(name) → {boolean}
Check if the font is installed.
Note: it cannot detect fonts loaded by `foo_ui_hacks`. However, gdi.Font can use those fonts.Parameters:
Name Type Description name
string Can be either in English or the localised name in your OS. Returns:
boolean -
static ColourPicker(window_id, default_colour) → {number}
Spawns a windows popup dialog to let you choose a colour.
Name Type Description window_id
number unused default_colour
number This colour is used if OK button was not clicked. Returns:
let colour = utils.ColourPicker(0, RGB(255, 0, 0)); // See docs\Helper.js for RGB function.
static DetectCharset(path) → {number}
Detect the codepage of the file.\n Note: detection algorithm is probability based (unless there is a UTF BOM), i.e. even though the returned codepage is the most likely one, there's no 100% guarantee it's the correct one.\n Performance note: detection algorithm is quite slow, so results should be cached as much as possible.
Name Type Description path
number Path to file Returns:
number - Codepage number on success, 0 if codepage detection failed -
static EditTextFile(path)
Edit a text file with the default text editor.
Default text editor can be changed via `Edit` button on the main tab of window.ShowConfigureV2.Parameters:
Name Type Description path
number Path to file -
static FileExists(path) → {boolean}
Name Type Description path
number Path to file Returns:
boolean - true, if file exists. -
static FileTest(path, mode) → {*}
Various utility functions for working with file.
Deprecated: use utils.DetectCharset, utils.FileExists, utils.GetFileSize, utils.IsDirectory, utils.IsFile and utils.SplitFilePath instead.Parameters:
Name Type Description path
string mode
string "chardet" - Detects the codepage of the given file. Returns a corresponding codepage number on success, 0 if codepage detection failed.
"e" - If file path exists, returns true.
"s" - Retrieves file size, in bytes.
"d" - If path is a directory, returns true.
"split" - Returns an array of [directory, filename, filename_extension].Returns:
*- Deprecated:
- Yes
let arr = utils.FileTest("D:\\Somedir\\Somefile.txt", "split"); // arr[0] <= "D:\\Somedir\\" (always includes backslash at the end) // arr[1] <= "Somefile" // arr[2] <= ".txt"
static FormatDuration(seconds) → {string}
Name Type Description seconds
number Returns:
console.log(utils.FormatDuration(plman.GetPlaylistItems(plman.ActivePlaylist).CalcTotalDuration())); // 1wk 1d 17:25:30
static FormatFileSize(bytes) → {string}
Name Type Description bytes
number Returns:
console.log(utils.FormatFileSize(plman.GetPlaylistItems(plman.ActivePlaylist).CalcTotalSize())); // 7.9 GB
static GetAlbumArtAsync(window_id, handle, art_idopt, need_stubopt, only_embedopt, no_loadopt)
Load art image for the track asynchronously.
Performance note: consider using gdi.LoadImageAsync or gdi.LoadImageAsyncV2 if there are a lot of images to load or if the image is big.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description window_id
number unused handle
FbMetadbHandle art_id
number <optional>
0 See Flags.js > AlbumArtId need_stub
boolean <optional>
true only_embed
boolean <optional>
false no_load
boolean <optional>
false If true, "image" parameter will be null in on_get_album_art_done callback. Example
// See `samples/basic/GetAlbumArtAsync.js`
static GetAlbumArtAsyncV2(window_id, handle, art_idopt, need_stubopt, only_embedopt, no_loadopt) → {Promise.<ArtPromiseResult>}
Load art image for the track asynchronously.
Returns a `Promise` object, which will be resolved when art loading is done.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description window_id
number unused handle
FbMetadbHandle art_id
number <optional>
0 See Flags.js > AlbumArtId need_stub
boolean <optional>
true If true, will return a stub image from `Preferences`>`Display`>`Stub image path` when there is no art image available. only_embed
boolean <optional>
false If true, will only try to load the embedded image. no_load
boolean <optional>
false If true, then no art loading will be performed and only path to art will be returned in ArtPromiseResult. Returns:
// See `samples/basic/GetAlbumArtAsyncV2.js`
static GetAlbumArtEmbedded(rawpath, art_idopt) → {GdiBitmap}
Load embedded art image for the track.
Performance note: consider using fb.GetAlbumArtAsync or fb.GetAlbumArtAsyncV2 if there are a lot of images to load.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description rawpath
string Path to track file art_id
number <optional>
0 See Flags.js > AlbumArtId Returns:
let img = utils.GetAlbumArtEmbedded(fb.GetNowPlaying().RawPath, 0);
static GetAlbumArtV2(handle, art_idopt, need_stubopt) → {GdiBitmap}
Load art image for the track.
Performance note: consider using fb.GetAlbumArtAsync or fb.GetAlbumArtAsyncV2 if there are a lot of images to load.Parameters:
Name Type Attributes Default Description handle
FbMetadbHandle art_id
number <optional>
0 See Flags.js > AlbumArtId need_stub
boolean <optional>
true Returns:
// See `samples/basic/GetAlbumArtV2.js`
static GetFileSize(path) → {number}
Name Type Description path
string Returns:
number - File size, in bytes -
static GetPackageInfo(package_id) → nullable {JsPackageInfo}
Get information about a package with the specified id.
Name Type Description package_id
string Returns:
JsPackageInfo - null if not found, package information otherwise -
static GetPackagePath(package_id) → {string}
Get path to a package directory with the specified id.
Throws exception if package is not found.
Deprecated: use window.GetPackageInfo instead.Parameters:
Name Type Description package_id
string Returns:
string- Deprecated:
- Yes
static GetSysColour(index) → {number}
Name Type Description index
number Returns:
number - 0 if failedExample
let splitter_colour = utils.GetSysColour(15);
static GetSystemMetrics(index) → {number}
Name Type Description index
number Returns:
number - 0 if failed -
static Glob(pattern, exc_maskopt, inc_maskopt) → {Array.<string>}
Retrieves filepaths that match the supplied pattern.
Name Type Attributes Default Description pattern
string exc_mask
number <optional>
0x10 Default is FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY. See Flags.js > Used in utils.Glob() inc_mask
number <optional>
0xffffffff Returns:
let arr = utils.Glob("C:\\*.*");
static InputBox(window_id, prompt, caption, default_valopt, error_on_cancelopt) → {string}
Name Type Attributes Default Description window_id
number prompt
string caption
string default_val
string <optional>
'' error_on_cancel
boolean <optional>
false If set to true, use try/catch like Example2. Returns:
// With "error_on_cancel" not set (or set to false), cancelling the dialog will return "default_val". let username = utils.InputBox(0, "Enter your username", "Spider Monkey Panel", "");
// Using Example1, you can't tell if OK or Cancel was pressed if the return value is the same // as "default_val". If you need to know, set "error_on_cancel" to true which throws a script error // when Cancel is pressed. let username = ""; try { username = utils.InputBox(0, "Enter your username", "Spider Monkey Panel", "", true); // OK was pressed. } catch(e) { // Dialog was closed by pressing Esc, Cancel or the Close button. }
static IsDirectory(path) → {boolean}
Name Type Description path
string Returns:
boolean - true, if location exists and it's a directory -
static IsFile(path) → {boolean}
Name Type Description path
string Returns:
boolean - true, if location exists and it's a file -
static IsKeyPressed(vkey) → {boolean}
Name Type Description vkey
number Some are defined in Flags.js > Used with utils.IsKeyPressed(). Returns:
boolean -
static MapString(text, lcid, flags) → {string}
Name Type Description text
string lcid
string flags
number Returns:
string -
static PathWildcardMatch(pattern, str) → {boolean}
Check if the supplied string matches the pattern.
Using Microsoft MS-DOS wildcards match type. eg "*.txt", "abc?.tx?"Parameters:
Name Type Description pattern
string str
string Returns:
boolean -
static ReadINI(filename, section, key, default_valopt) → {string}
Note: this only returns up to 255 characters per value.
Name Type Attributes Description filename
string section
string key
string default_val
string <optional>
let username = utils.ReadINI("e:\\my_file.ini", "", "username");
static ReadTextFile(filename, codepageopt) → {string}
Performance note: supply codepage argument if it is known, since codepage detection might take some time.
Name Type Attributes Default Description filename
string codepage
number <optional>
0 See Codepages.js. If codepage is 0, then automatic detection is performed. Returns:
let text = utils.ReadTextFile("E:\\some text file.txt");
static ShowHtmlDialog(window_id, code_or_path, optionsopt)
Displays an html dialog, rendered by IE engine.
Utilizes the latest non-Edge IE that you have on your system.
Dialog is modal (blocks input to the parent window while open).
Html code must be IE compatible, meaning:
- JavaScript features are limited by IE (see
- Objects passed to `data` are limited to standard JavaScript objects:
- No extensions from Spider Monkey Panel (e.g. no FbMetadbHandle or GdiBitmap).
There are also additional limitations:
- may contain only the following types:
- Basic types: number, string, boolean, null, undefined.
- Objects as string: the only way to pass objects is to convert them to string and back with `JSON.stringify()` and `JSON.parse()`.
- Arrays: must be cast via `.toArray()` inside html. Each element has same type limitations as
- Functions: has maximum of 7 arguments. Each argument has same type limitations as
Name Type Attributes Description window_id
number unused code_or_path
string Html code or file path. File path must begin with `file://` prefix. options
object <optional>
Name Type Attributes Default Description width
number <optional>
250 Window width height
number <optional>
100 Window height x
number <optional>
0 Window horizontal position relative to desktop y
number <optional>
0 Window vertical position relative to desktop center
boolean <optional>
true If true and if options.x and options.y are not set, will center window relative to fb2k position. context_menu
boolean <optional>
false If true, will enable right-click context menu. resizable
boolean <optional>
false If true, will allow to resize the window. selection
boolean <optional>
false If true, will allow to select everything (label texts, buttons and etc). scroll
boolean <optional>
false If true, will display scrollbars. data
* <optional>
Will be saved in `window.external.dialogArguments` and can be accessed from JavaScript executed inside HTML window. This data is read-only and should not be modified. Has type limitations (see above). Examples
Dialog from code
// See `samples/basic/HtmlDialogWithCheckbox.js`
Dialog from file
utils.ShowHtmlDialog(0, `file://${fb.ComponentPath}samples/basic/html/PopupWithCheckBox.html`);
static SplitFilePath(path) → {Array.<string>}
Name Type Description path
string Returns:
Array.<string> - An array of [directory, filename, filename_extension]Example
let arr = utils.SplitFilePath('D:\\Somedir\\Somefile.txt'); // arr[0] <= 'D:\\Somedir\\' (always includes backslash at the end) // arr[1] <= 'Somefile' // arr[2] <= '.txt'
static WriteINI(filename, section, key, val) → {boolean}
Name Type Description filename
string section
string key
string val
string Returns:
utils.WriteINI("e:\\my_file.ini", "", "username", "Bob");
static WriteTextFile(filename, content, write_bomopt) → {boolean}
Note: the parent folder must already exist. Note2: the file is written with UTF8 encoding.
Name Type Attributes Default Description filename
string content
string write_bom
boolean <optional>
true Returns:
Default encoding
// write_bom missing but defaults to true, resulting file is UTF8-BOM utils.WriteTextFile("z:\\1.txt", "test");
UTF8 with BOM
utils.WriteTextFile("z:\\2.txt", "test", true);
UTF8 without BOM
utils.WriteTextFile("z:\\3.txt", "test", false);