



CalcTextHeight(str, font) → {number}

Calculates text height for GdiGraphics#GdiDrawText.
Note: this will only calculate the text height of one line.
Name Type Description
str string
font GdiFont

CalcTextWidth(str, font, use_exactopt) → {number}

Calculates text width for GdiGraphics#GdiDrawText. Note: When the str contains a kerning pair that is found in the specified font, the return value will be larger than the actual drawn width of the text. If accurate values are required, set use_exact to true.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
str string
font GdiFont
use_exact boolean <optional>
false Uses a slower, but more accurate method of calculating text width which accounts for kerning pairs.

DrawEllipse(x, y, w, h, line_width, colour)

Name Type Description
x number
y number
w number
h number
line_width number
colour number

DrawImage(img, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, angleopt, alphaopt)

Name Type Attributes Default Description
img GdiBitmap
dstX number
dstY number
dstW number
dstH number
srcX number
srcY number
srcW number
srcH number
angle float <optional>
alpha number <optional>
255 Valid values 0-255.

DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, line_width, colour)

Name Type Description
x1 number
y1 number
x2 number
y2 number
line_width number
colour number

DrawPolygon(colour, line_width, points)

Name Type Description
colour number
line_width number
points Array.<Array.<number>>

DrawRect(x, y, w, h, line_width, colour)

Name Type Description
x number
y number
w number
h number
line_width number
colour number

DrawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, arc_width, arc_height, line_width, colour)

Name Type Description
x number
y number
w number
h number
arc_width number
arc_height number
line_width number
colour number

DrawString(str, font, colour, x, y, w, h, flagsopt)

Should be only used when GdiGraphics#GdiDrawText is not applicable.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
str string
font GdiFont
colour number
x number
y number
w number
h number
flags number <optional>
0 See Flags.js > StringFormatFlags

EstimateLineWrap(str, font, max_width) → {Array.<Array>}

Name Type Description
str string
font GdiFont
max_width number
Array.<Array> - index | meaning
[0] text line 1
[1] width of text line 1 (in pixel)
[2] text line 2
[3] width of text line 2 (in pixel)
[2n + 2] text line n
[2n + 3] width of text line n (px)

FillEllipse(x, y, w, h, colour)

Name Type Description
x number
y number
w number
h number
colour number

FillGradRect(x, y, w, h, angle, colour1, colour2, focusopt)

Note: this may appear buggy depending on rectangle size. The easiest fix is to adjust the "angle" by a degree or two.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number
y number
w number
h number
angle float
colour1 number
colour2 number
focus float <optional>
1.0 Specify where the centred colour will be at its highest intensity. Valid values between 0 and 1.

FillPolygon(colour, fillmode, points)

Name Type Description
colour number
fillmode number 0 alternate, 1 winding.
points Array.<Array.<number>>

FillRoundRect(x, y, w, h, arc_width, arc_height, colour)

Name Type Description
x number
y number
w number
h number
arc_width number
arc_height number
colour number

FillSolidRect(x, y, w, h, colour)

Name Type Description
x number
y number
w number
h number
colour number

GdiAlphaBlend(img, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, alphaopt)

Name Type Attributes Default Description
img GdiRawBitmap
dstX number
dstY number
dstW number
dstH number
srcX number
srcY number
srcW number
srcH number
alpha number <optional>
255 Valid values 0-255.

GdiDrawBitmap(img, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH)

Always faster than GdiGraphics#DrawImage, does not support alpha channel.
Name Type Description
img GdiRawBitmap
dstX number
dstY number
dstW number
dstH number
srcX number
srcY number
srcW number
srcH number

GdiDrawText(str, font, colour, x, y, w, h, formatopt)

Provides faster and better rendering than GdiGraphics#DrawString.

Do not use this to draw text on transparent background or with GdiGraphics other than the one passed in on_paint callback: this will result in visual artifacts caused by ClearType hinting.
Use GdiGraphics#DrawString instead in such cases.

To calculate text dimensions use GdiGraphics#CalcTextHeight, GdiGraphics#CalcTextWidth.

Note: uses special rules for `&` character by default, which consumes the `&` and causes the next character to be underscored. This behaviour can be changed (or disabled) via `format` parameter.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
str string
font GdiFont
colour number
x number
y number
w number
h number
format number <optional>
0 See Flags.js > DT_*

MeasureString(str, font, x, y, w, h, flagsopt) → {MeasureStringInfo}

Calculates text dimensions for GdiGraphics#DrawString.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
str string
font GdiFont
x number
y number
w number
h number
flags number <optional>
0 See Flags.js > StringFormatFlags


Name Type Attributes Default Description
mode number <optional>
0 See Flags.js > InterpolationMode


Name Type Attributes Default Description
mode number <optional>
0 See Flags.js > SmoothingMode


Name Type Attributes Default Description
mode number <optional>
0 See Flags.js > TextRenderingHint